Photography & Filming Policy

Policies & Procedures

Please enjoy your visit to the Boston Public Library. We are happy to have you take photographs of our buildings for your enjoyment.

Please observe the following:

  1. Refrain from the use of flash equipment in reading rooms and other areas in which it might disturb Library users.
  2. Equipment such as tripods or selfie sticks may not obstruct passageways or cause disturbances to Library users.
  3. Photographing and/or filming and/or audio recording of members of the public, members of the Library staff on duty, and public programs (unless permission has been granted in advance by the Library) are prohibited.
  4. Subject to the Library’s Policies and Procedures for Private Events and Private Event Pricing, Library buildings may be used as a setting for creative film or commercial photography (including formal, wedding, and engagement photography). Permission must be secured in advance by contacting the Library Events Office at 617-859-2212 or
  5. The recording of a library program provides the opportunity to widely promote a program and engage broad public awareness and interest. Permission will only be given to record library-initiated programming. Please refer to the Procedures for Filming of Public Programs document and submit the Filming Application to the Programming Department at

Please note that the Boston Public Library frequently engages in photographing and recording programs and events for its own publicity and promotional purposes. Library staff will make every effort to notify members of the public when filming and audiorecording is taking place. Please notify a Library staff member if you do not want to be photographed or recorded.

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