We Are Pride

We Are Pride

We Are Pride Booklist

We Are Pride was first published in 2017, featuring books published in 2016.

We Are Pride is a list of books published in the previous year for all ages concerning the diverse experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. This printing is part of the BPL’s annual observance of Pride Month every June. We Are Pride was first published in 2017, featuring books published in 2016. Check out a book from the current We Are Pride list via the library's catalog here!

2024 We Are Pride Committee Members:

  • Jordan D. (she/they), We Are Pride Chairperson, Reader Services Specialist
  • Allison H. (she/her), Children's Librarian
  • Amy L. (she/her), Generalist Librarian
  • Ayelet R. (she/her), Generalist Librarian
  • Casey A., Generalist Librarian
  • Dani C. (they/them), Children's Librarian
  • Elise C. (she/her), Generalist Librarian
  • Laura B. (she/her), Collection Librarian
  • Michael B. (he/they), Workforce Development Librarian
  • Morgan H. (they/them), Youth Services Librarian
  • Nikki K. (she/they), Floater Librarian

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Past & Related Booklists

LGBTQ+ Booklists

We Are Pride Booklists Past & Present in the Catalog

Here are the We Are Pride lists in the library catalog from 2017 to the present.

Lambda Literary Awards

Lambda Literary is the nation’s leading organization advancing LGBT+ literature. Each year they award the best books in multiple categories.

Digitized We Are Pride Booklists

We Are Pride has been digitized! See past issues online through the Internet Archive.

BPL's Annual Published Booklists — Since 1973!

Every year our librarians compile booklists that celebrate the diversity of our world. Check out our lists and learn more!

Guides & Resources

Queer Lit Review – Three BPL librarians review LGBTQ+ fiction for all ages every month.

Diversity in Speculative Fiction – A BPL Blog dedicated to reviewing recent science fiction, fantasy, and horror books by and about women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Boston’s LGBTQ+ History Guide - Provides starting points to researching LGBTQ+ history in Boston and highlights particular resources that are likely to shed unique light on a research inquiry.

LGBTQ+ Youth & Adult Resources Guide – Includes a brief introduction to orientation and identity, a short glossary of terms and definitions, local resources, online resources, health and wellness resources, the history of Pride in Boston, and reading and viewing recommendations.

Queer Lit Review

Queer Lit Review

Read, Watch, and Listen

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