Concerts in the Courtyard

The 2024 Concerts in the Courtyard series will run from Wednesday, June 5th through Friday, August 30th with performances in the McKim Building Courtyard (inclement weather location: the Rabb Lecture Hall).

Performances run for one hour and will be held at 12:30 pm on Fridays and 6:00 pm on Wednesdays. Please note that there will be no concerts on Wednesday, June 19 and Wednesday, July 3.

The Friday lunchtime concerts feature local musicians performing a range of genres, and the lineup will be primarily curated by an application process overseen by staff with expertise in music.

Thank you to all the musicians who applied to perform in this series! Our application is now closed. A member of the Concerts in the Courtyard selection committee will contact you within the month of March if you are chosen as a performer. If you have not been selected, the Adult Programs Department will notify you within the month of April.

We want to let musicians and attendees know about our current programmatic theme. “Revolutionary Music: Music for Social Change” is a year-long overview of how music has spurred social change in the United States. It is the first in a series of three thematic years leading up to the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. "Revolutionary Music" will use a combination of programs and examples from BPL's collections to celebrate music's rich history of catalyzing social change, acting as a powerful conduit for dissent, unity, awareness, and cultural influence. From spirituals to jazz, folk, reggae, punk, and hip-hop, various music genres have echoed societal shifts and served as a voice for some of the protests and movements that have changed the course of history. Through captivating performances and discussions, curated booklists and playlists, and thought-provoking displays, the BPL is set to explore and celebrate the transformative impact of music on social change throughout the year.

The Wednesday evening performances, offered in partnership with Berklee College of Music, will feature a range of genres by student musicians.

The courtyard of the Central Library in Copley Square is one of Boston's most beautiful havens from the hustle and bustle of the city.

We are grateful to the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, the presenting sponsor of Concerts in the Courtyard for the third year in a row. We deeply appreciate the Bank’s commitment to the arts and to these concerts, which are free and open to all.

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